
Showing posts from 2009

Best Album Closers

I'm not a musician, but if I was one, I think that I'd want each album to stand on its own as a complete work instead of just being a random bag of singles. I'd want people to know the album ("Sgt. Pepper") and not a few songs from it ("the album with A Day in the Life on it"). I'd want to be recognized for having excelled at the difficult task of putting together an hour or more of music that people want to hear. Not to mention that being known for making great albums makes it more likely that those albums will remain available instead of disappearing as the singles are rolled up into "Greatest Hits of the 21st Century" collections. By the way, this idea of an artist either being known for complete works or for singles is hardly new. Bach is known for complete works. Other composers are forgotten but for an entry in the encyclopedia and one or two pieces in the local symphony's "An Evening of Baroque" program (the classi...

How to make a YouTube video that no one will want to watch

Let's say you want to make a YouTube video that no one will want to watch. How could you do that? First, make sure that your video has lots of loud, obnoxious music, especially if your video depicts something that normally has nothing to do with music. People might like your video of your dog and cat playing on the floor together, so why not ruin it by replacing the sound with Ted Nugent? For extra points, dial the gain up until it distorts. It's important to choose the right music, too. You don't want something with a quiet intro. Ideally you want to lure people into clicking on your video, then hammer them with decibels so that they jump out of their seats and scramble for the volume control. As a side benefit, you'll help the economic recovery by exposing people who are browsing YouTube at the office when they should be working. You also want to go for the worst quality possible. Find lots of videos that are already low-quality, then re-encode them at an even...

The slow march of technology

I had some dental work done recently. I had crowns put on four teeth in the back of my mouth, two on either side. Since crowning teeth is a one-way trip, I did some research before I went forward with it. While reading about crowns, I also found information about dental implants. Implants are fake teeth, but unlike old-fashioned bridges or dentures, which receive support from the patient's other teeth and gums, implants are actually screwed into the patient's jaw . The actual tooth that extends above the gum line is typically made of porcelain and is indistinguishable from a natural tooth. If you think about it for a minute, implants are pretty amazing. They're completely artificial aftermarket parts for your body that work at least as well as the original equipment, and unlike natural teeth, they can't decay. Losing teeth will always be a drag, but now you can have them replaced . When I was growing up in the 1970s, I read a lot of books and magazines that made ...